WinterCreek Nursery
Central to the educational and financial aspects of the HDHC is WinterCreek Nursery, a native plant propagation nursery established in 1993. The nursery is a full-scale commercial operation offering educational opportunities in seed collection and processing, plant production, design and management, and serves as a primary economic resource of the Center.
WinterCreek has become synonymous with native plants and ecology-based landscapes throughout the region. Its value as a community resource is outstanding, and the inclusion of an established native plant propagation nursery into the HDHC contributes significantly to our ability to fulfill our mission to advance the use of native vegetation in landscapes and natural areas restoration. Additionally, the recognition WinterCreek has received over the past three decades adds credibility to the Center as a regional hub for training and education.
The nursery remains open for retail and wholesale business, and profits of the business are used to support ongoing projects of the High Desert Horticultural Center. The nursery also operates as the primary interface between the public and the HDHC, and serves as a community center offering a venue for educational programs, conferences, celebrations, teaching, and other events.